Remote execution of Powershell on Azure VM

From an operations point of view remotely executing commands on a machine is critical for anything beyond a few machines. In the Windows world the way I’ve usually done this is allowing remote powershell…. but I’ve recently realised (I’m slow on the uptake) that I can do this the Azure CLI. If I can do it with the Azure CLI (az) it means there is a REST API… If there is a REST API it means I can tinker.

Proceed with the tinkering!!

First thing’s first. The az command to achieve this is:

az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name my-vm-name -g my-resourcegroup  --scripts 'echo \"hello there\" > c:\temp\ken'

Now the fun bit. To run some arbitrary bit of powershell ( which is scary enough ) the REST endpoint is :

with the usual substitution in of subscriptionID, resource group name and VM name.

You POST to the above URL with a body in the format of:


So the powershell could be the REAL commands…. format a drive, start the bitcoin miner etc etc…. OR… in my case I simply want to execute the powershell that has already been installed on the remote machine and has been verified as safe đŸ™‚

I’m going to incorporate this remote execution into some tools I maintain for my own use (all in Go), so the entire program boils down to something pretty small. Firstly auth against a service principal in Azure, then with the generated token execute the POST. Auth with Azure is simplified with using my tiny AzureAuth project :

azureAuth := azureauth.NewAzureAuth(subscriptionID, tenantID, clientID, clientSecret)
template := ""

url := fmt.Sprintf(template, ps.subscriptionID, resourceGroup, vmName)

bodyTemplate := "{\"commandId\":\"RunPowerShellScript\",\"script\":['%s']}"
script := "c:/temp/myscript.ps1"
body := fmt.Sprintf(bodyTemplate, script)

req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(body))
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + azureAuth.CurrentToken().AccessToken)
req.Header.Add("Content-type", "application/json")
client := http.Client{}

This is obvious with all the error checking removed etc (just to reduce the clutter here).

Now, one important thing to remember. If you want immediate (or even just vaguely quick-ish) execution of your scripts, executing Powershell via Azure REST APIs is NOT the way to achieve this. Even a simple Powershell script to write a hello world file might take 20 seconds or so.

The benefit of this (to me at least) is not enabling general remoting to the Azure VM, no fiddling with firewall rules etc etc. It’s using the Azure REST API (that I use for SOOO many other reasons), using the same type of authentication, same way to integrate into my other tools. It mightn’t fit everyones need but I think this will definitely be my remoting process going onwards (for Azure VMs)

See here for simple implementation. Don’t forget to create a service principal and assign it VM Contributor rights to the VM you’re trying to remote to!

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