When “good enough” is really good enough

We all (sweeping generalisation) get analysis paralysis at times. Or at least I think we (devs) all do. I know I certainly get it way too often for me to be comfortable. I’ve always been around REALLY good developers…. people that can out-code me in a minute, and that is REALLY intimidating. They come up with solutions that appear (and possibly are) complicated and well thought out. They’re breaking systems up into nice controller, services, data layers etc etc with what seems like endless abstractions. They’re good… they’re the top devs in the places… what am I not "getting" to see that all of this work is absolutely needed. Yes, they might know that the design they’ve come up with will be perfect for when addition 1,2 and 3 come along.

But what if the additions don’t come? Or they do, but (cue The Imperial March) "the business" have skewed the requirements enough that they appear very different to what was initially talked about.

I’ve ALWAYS preferred simple code rather than clever code, even if it makes me look foolish in front of other developers (probably not a great career move… but hey 23 years in and I’m still going ok). In C# I’d prefer to start with basic loops and THEN figure some uber-l33t LINQ to come up with the same results, although more often than not I’d just stick with the for/while loops. To me, they’re definitely more readable and understandable than the 3 line LINQ expression. But I certainly know other devs that instantly go to LINQ and know it inside and out (like I said, they’re far better than I am).

But… in saying all this, I came across a tweet recently by Alex Gurney ( https://twitter.com/ajtgurney/status/1230580904944439301 ). Unsure how Alexs tweet got on my timeline, but the thought about a "2 hour hack" really started to speak to me. Yes, if we KNOW …. and I mean REALLY know that what we’re coding up is just the basis for something more complex in the next sprint/iteration then yes, obviously put more thought into the design. But if a set of requirements are "do XYZ, take this input… output looks like this…. etc " then I’m starting to wonder is the 2 hour hack really a bad thing?

Of course there are many situations where this would absolutely be irresponsible to do, but equally I can picture MANY classes/services that I’ve seen (or written) where banging something out would have equally done just as well.

Then we need to address the infamous 2 x four letter words… "tech" and "debt". If we just "hack" absolutely everything then we’d probably be sitting on a house of cards, and as soon as something major needs to get worked on we’ll be stuck in a bad position. I think of "hacks" in 2 ways. The first is the less pleasant version…. do whatever it takes to get functional code (functional for the specs we have NOW). This is usually falls under the Perl category of coding (as I call it)…. made sense when you wrote it… come back a week later and it’s all WTF?!?!

The second option is where the solution is the simplest possible (within a small timeboxed period) that can be designed and coded up and isn’t refactored to be the smallest, tightest most elegant code you can create. To me the key thing is SIMPLE. I’m not talking lines of code (since I personally find fewer lines of code != simple), but I’m talking concepts… something my brain can handle.

Stick to simple functions, simple loops, don’t go and start making a bunch of abstractions/interfaces/wrappers that you think you might need in the future. The number of times I’ve seen DB or storage wrappers to abstract away the platform specifics and only end up with a SINGLE concrete implementation. The problem is, I sometimes feel I’m in the minority here. What I find simple and readable others complain isn’t. They’d prefer to see a 1 liner calling map/fold/whatever but I know I’ve certainly experienced issues debugging a map call where 1 entry in a collection has caused the mapping function to blow up. Personally I find a for-loop easier to debug, but maybe that’s just me.

Just as I’m about to post this… I see Nick Craver come up with a perfect summary of how I feel, "Don’t let perfection stand in the way of a net win." https://twitter.com/Nick_Craver/status/1231591808007798784 He mightn’t be talking about 2 hour hack, but I still like the tweet 🙂

Maybe the readability thing is why I find Go such an attractive and productive language. Yes, you can argue lack of map/fold etc and the constant err checking causes more boiler plate, but seriously that boiler plate takes a few mins to write out and then is just left there to run.

UDP VPN Load testing fun :)

Recently I was required to load test a new VPN system being installed. The VPN in question was being used to handle VOIP calls, so we needed crystal clear connections without any lag, stuttering or badness ™.

The initial set of requirements was that we’d need to be able to handle 65000 bps (UDP) per VPN connection with a minimum of 1000 concurrent VPN connections. There was no tool that easily fitted the bill for this (at least none that we could find), so here was an opportunity to roll our own. Overall this isn’t a lengthy process but definitely has a few gotchas.

Firstly, how to create 1000 VPN connections. Ideas ranged from spinning up 1000 VMs (which would auto load the VPN client), through to Docker and then finally seeing if we can really fire up that number of connections on a single machine. As long as the client machine could be able to create that number VPN tunnels I was sure the actual pumping of data shouldn’t be an issue. Now, for testing a VPN device it shouldn’t matter about the OS on the 2 machines that are communicating via it…. right? Although these days I’m more of a Windows person than a Linux one, I thought there was more chance of multiple VPN clients working on Linux.

Though endless research, experimentation and intellectual debate with others (ok, so I read StackOverflow…), it turns out setting up the VPN requires 2 steps. The first is to actually perform the VPN connection (in my case using OpenConnect). The key after that is setting up the routing properly. I’m no networking god, so this stumped me for ages. But after the OpenConnect stage, the key commands are:

sudo ip route add $destserverip dev $interface src $ipaddr table $table 

sudo ip route add default via $ipaddr table $table 

sudo ip rule add from $ipaddr table $table

Where $destserverip is "server" listening IP address, $ipaddr is the IP for a specific VPN interface and $table is a brand new table name (table1, table2, table3 etc) specific for $ipaddr.

So the above 3 lines are executed 1000 times (or however many VPN connections you make).

Once we have the VPN connections setup, we have to setup the "server" (listening service) on a box/VM and the client application that will send traffic across all VPN connections.

The "load test application" (glorified UDP pump) is written in Go (of course) and covers both server and client functionality. It’s a very simply program, from a server point of view. In it’s most simplistic form it really is just a single goroutine that accepts a UDP packet, tallies how many it’s received…. and well, that’s it. Not really news worthy. In a slightly more complex form (since this was written to test VOIP, and usually conversations are bi-directional), it spins up a separate goroutine for each incoming IP address (denoted by the VPN tunnel) and responds to the originator by echoing back exactly the same packet as it just received.

Not particularly riveting stuff, but it does the job. Accepts all the incoming traffic (from 1000+ clients and informs us of the incoming network volume).

The client side of the code is far more interesting. There are a number of factors that we want to tweak while performing these tests, bits per second, number of bits/bytes/kb per UDP packet, number of "clients" we want to simulate, number of VPN connections we want to use while simulating those clients (most of the time #clients and #VPN connections will be the same), duration of tests etc etc.

Basically the client spins up "num-clients" goroutines, each using (in most scenarios) a unique network (VPN) interface. From there each goroutine simply loops based on the input parameters (duration of test, # packets etc etc). For the tests performed, the client machine (basic 2 core VM) was able to generate enough voice quality VPN traffic to simulate 1100 user and still be mostly idle.


​ on server:

​ ./udptool_linux_amd64 -server

​ on client:

​ ./udptool_linux_amd64 -minclientaddr "" -noclientaddr 1000 -host "" -noclients 1000 -seconds 6000 -verbose -bps 65000

Broadly, the explanation of the above:

-minclientaddr is the “lowest” IP address generated by OpenConnect.

-noclientaddr specifies how many IP addresses (VPN tunnels) the client app should attempt to connect to. When determining which IP each client should use, it is basically a loop starting at “minclientaddr” and incrementing from there.

-host is the server IP:Port. By default when running udptool as server, the port is 5001.

-noclients is the number of clients we should try and simulate. Most of the time this would be the same as -noclientaddr but sometimes (if you want to double up clients on a single client IP) they could differ

– seconds How many seconds the test should run for.

– verbose Gives updates on when requests are sent and more importantly how often the client sleeps between sending packets. Given udptool is used to send X bytes per second, once it’s sent the data it sleeps until it next needs to run. How long it sleeps is displayed on the console. Most of the time it will sleep for 980+ ms (ie it spends most of it’s time sleeping). If it is ever observed that it’s NOT sleeping most of the time, it means the machine is overworked/underspecced.

-bps 65000 says to send 65000 BITS per second per client.

If anyone is interested in trying it out, please grab it for github.

EventStore and Go

Eventstore is a great event sourcing system for those situations where you want realtime (ish) events to process as opposed to querying a regular RDMS.

Eventstore is written in C# and a lot of the integrations I’ve seen/used are mainly in the .NET space. My favourite hammer of choice is Go, so I wanted to see how easily I could create something useful out of Eventstore and the client libs available.

My Go client lib of choice is go-gesclient which in turn is a port of the .NET client lib. I’ve found it REALLY easy to use and (so far) not buggy 🙂

The plan was to create a service/server that registers with EventStore and receives a stream of events. The service can have a number of different "EventProcessors" (EPs) which in turn receive the events and process them. Each EP is only interested in a subset of all events (identified by a field called an EventType, or ET). If an EP gets an event of the appropriate EventType then it lets it through and "processes" it. What processing actually IS, is up to the reader…. add it to a running total, calculate a hash from the input, perform DB queries based on the event details etc… ANYTHING.

The most important aspect of the service was that it would need to be very easily extendable. Being able to add another EP trivially would be key.

We have a base interface that any EP would need to satisfy.

type EventProcessor interface {
    ProcessEvent(event *client.ResolvedEvent) error
    GetRegisteredEventTypes() []string
    GetProcessorName() string
    CanSkipBadEvent() bool
    GetLastEventNumber() int
    SetLastEventNumber(pos int) error

Let’s go through what each of these interface definitions are about.

ProcessEvent(event *client.ResolvedEvent) error

ProcessEvent is really the main definition in the interface. It takes an event (provided by EventStore) and produces a (hopefully nil) error. This is where we can do whatever we want with the incoming data/event. Ignore it, write it to a database, ROT13 it… whatever we want.

GetRegisteredEventTypes() []string

EventStore can have any number of EventTypes (hey, they’re just strings), so each EventProcessor needs to indicate which ET it’s interested in. In this case GetRegisteredEventTypes will simply return a list of strings which represent which ETs this EventProcessor will respond to. Any number of EPs can register for the same EventTypes. eg. We might have a EP that generates a running total of all "CreditDollarAmount" ET. Where-as another EP might be working on the largest transaction for the day, using the exact same Events being passed in. Each EP will get it’s own copy of the event and will not tread-on-eachothers-toes.

GetProcessorName() string

Simply returns the EP name.

CanSkipBadEvent() bool

This is an interesting one. With event processing in general, the idea is that there is a constant stream of data that can be processed with some system. Events in this stream cannot (should not) be modified. It is also considered very important that each event is processed in the correct order. eg, if it was a banking system, it’s important to have the credit event happen before you start processing the debits (at least my bank thinks so!). Although that is mostly true, some events might be considered "useful to know, but not critical". For example, if the events were regarding average CPU used in the last 5 minutes, if for some reason we cannot process an event with that CPU data (maybe something got corrupted in transit?) we shouldn’t just stop the CPU EP and refuse to do any more work. This is case where skipping an event (unlike banking) would be considered ok. So each EP can determine if it is allowed to skip unprocessed events or not.

GetLastEventNumber() int

Related to the above, we need to determine which event we’re actually up to. Whenever a client connects to Eventstore it needs inform the server which event number it is up to. In theory, every time a client starts it could start from event 1 and simply reprocess the events. This may either a) not be possible (bank trsmansactions anyone?) or b) computationally expensive. Instead, it is up to the client to remember which event it last processed and store it somewhere on persistent storage. Then when the client starts up again, it can refer to the persistent storage and then tell the Eventstore server where to continue the data feed from. This is a very hand wavy way of saying, this is what GetLastEventNumber() is for 🙂

SetLastEventNumber(pos int) error

Sets the above. Wow, that was shorter 🙂

So every EventProcessor needs to implement all of the above methods. Fortunately most of them are implemented by the base type since they’re just elaborate getters/setters for some basic variables defined in the EP.

Currently, when using the EventProcessor framework, it is restricted (currently) to a processing a single Eventstore stream. An Eventstore server can handle multiple streams at once (all related to different events/data). Say for example, we wanted to create a client executable that received an Eventstore stream called "Sales" and wanted to create an EventProcessor that simply displayed the incoming amount of Sales (from the event) as well as the running total.

Firstly, let’s create the SalesEventProcessor:

package ep

import (

const (
	SalesEventId = "SalesEventId"

type IncomingAmount struct {
	Amount int `json:"amount"`

type SalesEventProcessor struct {
	totalSales int

func NewSalesEventProcessor() SalesEventProcessor{
    s := SalesEventProcessor{}
    s.EventTypes = []string{ SalesEventId}
    s.ProcessorName = "SalesEventProcessor"
    s.CanSkipEvent = true
    s.totalSales = 0
    return s

func (s *SalesEventProcessor) ProcessEvent(e *client.ResolvedEvent) error {
	amount := IncomingAmount{}
	json.Unmarshal(e.Event().Data(), &amount)
	s.totalSales += amount.Amount
	fmt.Printf("Incoming sales amount %d, Total sales amount %d\n", amount.Amount, s.totalSales)
	return nil

Let’s look through what we have. Package, imports and const are pretty self explanatory. IncomingAmount is just a type that has the format of the incoming Eventstore event; single int called "Amount". SalesEventProcessor embeds the BaseEventProcessor, which is a requirement for all EventProcessors. The only custom part of SalesEventProcessor is the running total we have.

Next, the usual Go convention for newing up structs. The three important parts are:

  • Set EventTypes. This is basically the registration of what events this EP is going to get called for.
  • ProcessorName… because having "foo" everywhere sucks.
  • CanSkipEvent … for now set to true… but YMMV

Now the important bit… ProcessEvent. Given this is an utterly simplistic EP, hopefully nothing comes as a shock here. We unmarshal the incoming event data into an IncomingAmount struct. We add the amount to the running total, and print out the incoming and total. Nothing radical here.

In this particular scenario, we have an EventProcessor just working on a single event type. What if we have multiple? Just add the conditional logic in the ProcessEvent function and take it from there..


func (s *SalesEventProcessor) ProcessEvent(e *client.ResolvedEvent) error {
	switch e.Event().EventType() {
	case SalesEventId:
		return s.ProcessEventSalesEventId(e)
	case SalesEventId2:
		return s.ProcessEventSalesEventId2(e)
	return nil

So now we have an EventProcessor, how do we use it? A minimal example can be:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // where the tracking DB will be stored.
	trackerPath := "c:/temp/mytracker"
	processor := ep.NewSalesEventProcessor()
  	l := []eventprocessors.EventProcessor { &processor}
   	err := streamprocessor.StartProcessingStream("Default",trackerPath, l)
  	if err != nil {
  		fmt.Printf("Couldn't start StartProcessingStream %s\n", err.Error())

Here we simply create an array of EventProcessors (in this case an array of a single SalesEventProcessor). We then call StartProcessingStream passing in the stream in question (in this case "Default") and the EventProcessor array that will process the stream. This function won’t return until all processes have exited, which should be an anomaly since it should run continuously except in the case of serious errors.

You may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned CQRS (damn, just did it there!). That will be for a later day…. currently I’m enjoying not breaking my brain but purely having access to a reliable stream of events to process.

Currently this is all a work in progress, but so far I’m extremely impressed with Eventstore in combination with the go-gesclient library. Making a little framework to use these together is really quick and easy to do, I HIGHLY recommend it!

If you would like to try it out, please check it out on github.